टुकड़े टुकड़े करना
टुकड़े टुकड़े करना
= HASHउदाहरण : कंपनी की आय के टुकड़े टुकड़े करनाUsage : "They used a blender to hash the vegetables very finely."
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= CHOPउदाहरण : डिटेक्टिव ने हड्डियों का अध्ययन करने के लिए स्केलेटन को टुकड़े टुकड़े किया।Usage : He chopped the sapling in one stroke.
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= SLICEUsage : a slice of the companys revenue
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= JOINTUsage : pneumarthrosis refers to the presence of air in a joint.
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= DISMANTLEUsage : Bankrupcy has dismantled the orgnisation.
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= LAMINATEUsage : They laminated the photos.
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= BREAKUsage : he finally got his big breakhe made a break for the open door
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= CRUMBLEUsage : the building crumbled after the explosion
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= SHATTERUsage : my all hopes were shattered when the result was out.
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= COMMINUTIONउदाहरण : सामग्री को टुकड़े टुकड़े करने से सतह क्षेत्र बढ़ गया जिससे अच्छी रेशेप्शन हुई।Usage : The comminution of the ingredients increased the surface area for better absorption.
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= DISINTEGRATEUsage : the ussr got disintegrated in 1996.
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= KIBBLEउदाहरण : यह वास्तव में पौष्टिक पदार्थ नहीं है लेकिन एक बिल्ली के लिए सूखे टुकड़े टुकड़े करके खाने के लिए पर्याप्त पौष्टिक हो सकता है|Usage : it is not really wholesome stuff but it can be nutritious enough for a cat eat dry kibble.
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= LEVIGATEउदाहरण : शेफ को सॉस के लिए गार्लिक को टुकड़े टुकड़े करना पड़ा।Usage : The chef had to levigate the garlic to make a smooth paste for the sauce.
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= DISARTICULATEUsage : the detective was able to disarticulate the skeleton in order to study the bones.
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= SPALLUsage : a few years later this problem was tackled by an italian, lazzaro spallanzani.
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= MAMMOCKUsage : The Supreme Court will rule on the case of mammocking the seal at a dairy in Gokulpur village, Delhi.
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= PULVERIZEUsage : the brick of the villages was pulverized by the bombardment.
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= SHREDUsage : the servant has to shred the cabbage.
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= SHIVERUsage : she shivered in horror.
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= UNMAKEUsage : it is the primordial power that makes and unmakes whole universes.
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= SLITUsage : the dress has a slit on the left side.